CNC Jig & Profile Grind
The consensus among most tool makers is that the quality and performance of grinded components is superior to wired components. Unfortunately, the cost to produce grinded components is significantly higher than the cost to fabricate wired components. At TCM we use jig and profile grinding to elevate your tools to the next level! We currently stock two (2) Waida CNC profile grinders and, thus, we can achieve a minimum corner radius of 0.0002 inches. These high precision grinders are designed to grind irregular shaped carbide punches and inserts. Additionally, we have access to a high precision Hauser CNC jig grinder which can achieve accuracy to within 0.0002 inches. Based on customer feedback, the grinded inserts and punches can provide twice the cycle life of their wire EDM counterparts.

Our Capabilities:
- Tool & Die Design
- Prototyping
- Wire EDM
- CNC Jig & Profile Grind
- CNC Machining
- Tool Room
- Additional Capabilities